How close are we to a Corona vaccine?

What is vaccine?
           It's nothing but a training course for our body immune system. They harmlessly show viruses or bacteria to our bodies. Our immune system recognise then as invaders and they have to fight them.
It means next time we encounter the disease in real , our body already knows how to fight them.

What research is being done?
          The WHO says that more than 70 teams is currently working in that vaccine. It has quickly become the most important pieces of scientific research around the world.
While some Universities posing other projects to work on it full time. But trails being done with no of animals as well as humans.

When it would be ready?
           Scientists at the university of Oxford has said it could be as early as "September 2020" but that is, if everything goes according to plan at every single state. That means if something goes wrong that can push everything back.
While most think it'll be more like an year: 12-18 months from now. So it'll be ready at the second half of 2021.

Why so long?
         Well manufacturing the vaccine of a virus takes a lot of time, there is a lot we don't understand about this coronavirus. We only know about it's genetic codes. The codes are like the blueprints and scientists are combining this with the existing viruses to make something like coronavirus.

The Idea is that this can be given to animals and humans, others are injecting the raw code directly to test subjects.
When researchers think they've found something that works , it has to be tested again and again and again and go through so many clinical trials to make sure they are effective and there are no unintended side effects.Even after that it has to be seen on a massive scale and deliver and distribute the people all over the world.

                        Now what?
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